COOLIEF* 水冷射频是目前唯一已知的使用水冷技术使引起疼痛的感觉神经失活的射频系统。 通过水冷电极针传递更多的射频能量,可产生超出探针尖端45%的更大的球形治疗区,从而实现全角度治疗。

临床证明疼痛缓解有效期长达24个月,可改善生理功能并减少的药物使用,1, 5 , COOLIEF* 水冷射频重新定义射频技术。


射频技术的变革—— 水冷射频技术产生大量球状神经和椎间盘治疗区以治疗慢性疼痛,从而可以进行有针对性的治疗,并为患者提供了应有的生活质量。



射频发生器,电极针和套管针 – 全套微创射频解决方案



  1. Cohen, S., Randomized Placebo-controlled Study Evaluating Lateral Branch Radiofrequency Denervation for Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Anesthesiology, August 2008, V. 109, No. 2, pages 279-287.
  2. Osteoarthritis Fact Sheet [Internet]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2017 [cited 2017Apr12]. Available from:
  3. AAOS – American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. Opioid Use, Misuse, and Abuse in Orthopaedic Practice. Information Statement 1045.,%20Misuse,%20and%20Abuse%20in%20Practice.pdfPublished October 2015.
  4. American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians. Fact Sheet
  5. Low Back Pain Fact Sheet. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH Publication), 2003.

† When compared to a Stryker 20ga standard RF lesion based upon testing conducted by Avanos, Inc. and compared to Stryker’s published information.

†† A COOLIEF* Cooled RF Probe with a 4mm active tip provides a lesion with an average distal projection of 45.53%. Data on File.

††† Gupta, A. Radiofrequency Ablation Techniques for Chronic Sacroiliac Joint Pain. Pain Medicine News, 2010.
Patel, et al. A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess the efficacy of lateral branch neurotomy for chronic sacroiliac joint pain. Pain Medicine. 2012.
Franco, et al. Innervation of the Anterior Capsule of the Human Knee. Reg. Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2015.